Privacy Policy

Thank you for playing our game! This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and use personal data, as well as the choices you have regarding that data. It applies to our games, website, and related services, collectively referred to as the "Services." If we make substantial changes to this policy, we will notify you by posting a notice within the Services before the changes take effect. Your continued use of the Services after that date will be subject to the new Privacy Policy.


If you have questions about data protection or requests related to your personal data, we recommend contacting us preferably through the game for a quicker response. Email:

Data Collection

We automatically collect the following data:
- Data about your account and progress in the game.
- IP address and mobile device identifier (e.g., device ID, advertising ID, MAC address, IMEI).
- Data about your device, such as name, operating system, browser type, and language.
- Data obtained through cookies and similar technologies (see details below).
- General location data.
- Precise geolocation data (GPS).
- Data about your use of the Services, including game data and interactions with other players.

We collect data from our partners:

If you link third-party tools to the Services, we receive demographic data, fraud-fighting data, game runtime platform data, and data for advertising and analysis purposes to provide a better service.

Purposes of Data Collection

We collect your data for the Service to function and for various purposes:
- Fulfilling our contract by creating an account and allowing you to play and use our services.
- Verifying and confirming payments.
- Delivering requested products and services.
- Sending communications related to the Services.

We also collect data to improve the Services:
- Updating and developing player profiles.
- Improving player experience and the Service itself.
- Managing our relationship with you.
- Providing player support.
- Personalizing your Service experience.
- Sending relevant information such as updates and security alerts.

Personalized Ad Display

To provide personalized ads within the Services and on other websites and services, we process data to track the content you visit and your online behavior, enhancing our advertising and services.

Security and Fairness

To ensure Service security, we combat fraud and ensure proper use by analyzing and monitoring Service usage and its social features.

Analysis, Profiling, and Targeting

We analyze, profile, and target the collected data for all the purposes described above.

Who Can See Your Data

In addition to us, other entities may access your data under specific circumstances:
- Partners working for us, following our instructions.
- Other companies and public authorities to fight fraud or illegal activities, or with your consent to comply with the law or protect rights and safety.

International Data Transfers

As our services are global, your data may be transferred anywhere in the world, protected by adequate measures.

Opting Out of Targeted Advertising

You can opt out of targeted advertising in your device settings.

Access and Other Rights

You have the right to access, correct, delete, object to the use or sharing, and restrict the use of your personal data.


We use cookies and similar technologies to personalize services, analyze usage, target advertising, and prevent fraud. You can disable cookies, but some parts of the service may not function correctly.

Data Protection

We implement security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or alteration.

Data Retention

We retain your data as long as your account is active or as necessary to provide the services, fulfill legal obligations, or resolve disputes.

Age Restrictions

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data from children under 13 and do not allow them to use our Services. If we discover data from children under 13, we will delete it immediately.

If you believe we may have data from a child under 13, please contact us.